Main Album » Callicoma Wild Thyme (Marsden) Callicoma Wild Thyme -“Marsden” – from the “medicinal herbs” litter – Gr Ch Mountainmist Mandingo HT x Ch Callicoma Trump Card ET (24/9/2011) Marsden lives in San Diego, USA. You can click on any photo below to open up an expanded image, and then scroll through the image library for Marsden. 11 weeks Arriving in USA 7 months old 7 months old 16 months old 2nd birthday 2 years old 2 years old 2 years old - he loves the water! nearly 3 nearly 3 3 years old 3 years old 4 years old - with his other kelpie Clara 4 years 4 and half years old 4 years old 4 and half years old, with Clara with Clara and Callicoma Forest Raven who also lives in USA 4 years 5 years old 5 years old With Clara and 2 of their pups