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Ch Callicoma I Spy SWN Red bitch D.O.B. – 13 December 2022 SE LCH RLD N&F&A&M SE FCH SE HTMCH NOR FCH NOR HTMCH KORAD Promotion Buell Cyclone x Ch Callicoma Twinkle Little Star Spy is the youngster of the family – a lovely red bitch who has won her class in group at almost every show she has been to. At our last show she won best puppy in show. At exactly 4 months old I ran over Spy in my 4WD (accidentally of course!) She suffered an injury to her hip, foot and tail. It appears she is completely recovered. Her hips scored 2:5. She has had all her DNA testing done. All clear for both versions of CA, as well as CEA, ILM and MDR1 and DM.  She is 465mm tall and has full dentition.  Click on any photo of Spy below and you can scroll through her photos. Pedigree of Ch Callicoma I Spy SWN

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Aekae Talullah Chocolate bitch D.O.B. – 14 June 2021 Supreme Champion Tegoura Toblerone x Callicoma New Penny   I was lucky enough to get Lulu when great friends, who had a girl I had bred, decided to mate her to one of Australia’s top show dogs. She has had her hips and elbows xrayed and scored. Hips scored 3:1 and elbows 0:0. She has also been fully DNA tested and profiled. She is 455mm tall and has full dentition. Click on any photo of Lulu below and you can scroll through her photos. Pregnant at the end of 2023 Pedigree of Aekae Tallulah Mother of the Beatles Songs Litter Callicoma Dizzie Miss Lizze – “Beatle” Callicoma Hippy Hippy Shake – “Hippy” Callicoma Follow The Sun – “Billy” (the sixth) Callicoma Lady Madonna – “Indy” (the third) Callicoma Rocky Racoon – Callicoma Teddy Boy – “Ted” Callicoma Ticket To Ride – “Patty” Callicoma Twist and Shout – “Jessie” (the fourth)

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Ch Callicoma Devil Wears Prada Chocolate bitch D.O.B. – 19 Jan 2021 Ch Callicoma Liquorice x Suthenskys Strikeforce Alice Prada has attained her Australian Championship after only 5 months of showing. Her movement is exceptional and most judges comment on it. She has had all her DNA testing done. All clear for both versions of CA, as well as CEA, DM, MDR1. She is a carrier of ILM. Her hips scored 7:6 and elbows 0:0. She is 450mm tall and has full dentition. 8 weeks old 8 months old 8 months old 2 years old 2 years old Almost 4 years old Almost 4 years old Pedigree of Ch Callicoma Devil Wears Prada

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SPHII SPHI LD2 LD1 LD STARTKLASS SE UCH FI UCH N UCH SE RALLYCH RLD A, RLD F RLD N Famous Foxes Black Killer Croc (Rask) Black dog  D.O.B. – 29 Sept 2020 KORAD SPHIII SE UCH SE LCH SE BCH Promotion KTM Superduke x FDI HTMI RLD A RLD F RLD N Aussie Action’s Black Right Beauty  I have frozen semen from Rask, I do not own Rask. Rask himself lives in Sweden. Hips: A/AElbows: 0/0 ♡ Swedish, Finnish and Norwegian Show Champion with multiple BOB placements♡ Competes in elite class tracking♡ Competes in obedience FCI class 3♡ Swedish rally obedience champion♡ Done Swedish mental description, gun steady♡ 2 Q’s in Jumping1 and 1 in ag1Rask was was #1 allround kelpie in Sweden 2022 and #2 in both rally obedience and show Pedigree of Famous Foxes Black Killer Croc:

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Ch Callicoma Trailblazer CCD SWA RA Chocolate dog D.O.B. – 19 Sept 2019  Bestseller Valttikortti x Ch Callicoma Vixen CCD RE TK.N SWA Chevy  has turned out to be a lovely young dog. He has a great temperament, and is a beautiful boy. Covid lockdown put an end to our baby puppy, minor puppy and puppy shows. He finally managed a run in junior and got Runner up in Group at his first shows back. He then finished his title with a Best In Group in a huge line up of 19 breeds. He has now had his hips (2:2) and elbows (0:0) x-rayed. He is clear for both forms of CA as well as ILM, DM, MDR1 and CEA. He is 48cm tall and has full dentition. Chevy is showing great promise in obedience and in scent work. He has his scentwork advanced title, and is part way through his excellent. He also has his rally advanced title and his CCD in obedience.  In 2023 he won Grafton Dog Obedience Club’s Rally Dog Of The Year with scores of 100, 98 and 96. He hs sired one litter for Tyrilebee kelpies as well as the litters below here at Callicoma. 7 weeks old 7 weeks old 9 weeks old 6 months old 6 months old 8 months old 8 months old almost 9 months old 9 months old 11 months old 11 months old 11 months old 14 months old 14 months old 14 months old 15 Months old 15 months old 15 months old 2 years old 2 years old Almost 3 years old 3 years old Father of the All Blacks Litter Callicoma Little Black Dress – Misty Callicoma Black Tie Affair – Rusty Callicoma Got Any Blacker – Nelson Callicoma Fade To Black – Axel Callicoma Put It All On Black – Axel And the Running Litter Dual Ch (R) Callicoma Scarlet Runner CCD CDX TK.I HT TD SWN – Beanie Callicoma Born To Run – Dingo Callicoma Front Runner – Pippa Callicoma Run Away With Me – Billie Callicoma Run Around Sue – Stella Callicoma Running Bear – Rossi And the British Children’s TV Shows Litter Callicoma Catweazle – “Kuma” Callicoma Follyfoot – “Folly” Pedigree of Ch Callicoma Trailblazer CCD RA SWA

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Ch Callicoma Kestrel Chocolate bitch D.O.B. – 22 May 2019 Qdos Zack x Elbrylach Cinnamon RN AD JDX SD SPD GD TK.S Birdie is the sweetest, loving little dog. She won 6 x Best Baby Puppy In Show awards and one Best Puppy In Show from very limited showing, then Covid hit. No shows for nearly a year and she came back winning big Best of Breeds and plenty of classes in groups. Now she has her championship we will move on to other things – dog sports and having puppies. She has now had her hips (2:3) and elbows (0:0) x-rayed and is clear for both forms of CA, ILM, DM, MDR1 and CEA . In Dec 21 she had her first opthalmic check and eyes were found to be clear of everything. 7 weeks old 10 weeks old 4 months old 4 months old 6 months old 6 months old 9 months old We met up with her sister Trixie at 9 months old 10 months old 10 months old 18 months old 20 months old 20 months old 22 months old 2 and half years old Mother of the Explorers litter – 18/5/2021 Callicoma Nancy Bird Walton – “FLOWki” Callicoma Patrick Logan – “Patrick” Callicoma Sydney Kirby – “Chippy” Callicoma Colonel Light – “Bolt” Callicoma Douglas Mawson – “Chewy” Callicoma Jackey Jackey – “Jack” Pedigree of Ch Callicoma Kestrel:

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Bestseller Valttikortti Chocolate dog D.O.B. – 11 Apr 2015 C.I.E FI CH EE VCH EE CH LV CH LT CH SI CH BALT CH RU CH SI VCH LV VCH CY CH MK CH MD CH LT VCH ME CH BALT VCH AZ CH RKFW-11 LVW-11 BALTW-11 BALTW-13 SIW-19 ROYAL COCTAIL WINKU WONKU x BESTSELLER RIRRA NAM JIRRA I have frozen semen from Metku, I do not own Metku. Metku himself lives in Finland. Metku competes in many dog sports – Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience and Dog Shows. Hips: a / aElbows: 0/0Eyes: FREE by examination (July 2017)CEA: clear by DNACardiac Check: currently free of inherited heart disease (Aug 18)Spine: LTV normal, VA normalSize:  49 cm I plan to use Metku over two bitches in the next few years. Father of one litter in Finland. Pedigree of Bestseller Valttikortti:

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Ch Oatland Chieftan ET Chocolate dog 15 May 1999 – 3/12/2012 Oatland Hawkeye x  Ch Oatland Blue Jean Chief was the first male stud dog we kept. He excelled in the show ring, with a best in show at a kelpie specialty, as well as runner up in show, best in group and a number of runner up in groups at All Breeds shows. Winner of Best in Show at NSW Kelpie Club show September 2001. Also won best stifle and best open in show at the above mentioned show. A little bit of Chief lives on in most of my dogs. Best In Show – Australian Kelpie Club of NSW 2001 Best Stifle in Show Chief and Cosmic Cheif and I when he did his ET – one of us is getting tired and it is not Chief! 6 years old now and still a beautiful boy Chief was used as a model in a software package 12 years old Father of the font litter (8/11/2001) Callicoma Arial Callicoma Calisto Callicoma Impact Aust Ch. Callicoma Cosmic Callicoma Mistral Callicoma Rockwell and the Music litter (19/11/2003) Aus Ch. Callicoma Lyric HT Callicoma Tremolo Callicoma Allegro AAC ADM ADO JDM JDO SDM SPDM GDM Callicoma Jazzabell AD JDX GDX SD SPDX Hungarian Ch, Estonian Ch, Lithuanian Ch Callicoma Serenade Callicoma Poco Rhapsody and the Grapes litter (4/6/2002) Aus. Ch. Callicoma Merlot ET PT Aus. Ch. Callicoma Pinot Noir Callicoma Shiraz Callicoma Tokay Callicoma Touriga Callicoma Verdelho AD JDX PT ET and the Reindeers litter (24/12/2004) Callicoma Dancer AD JDX GD SPD ET German Ch (VDH) Lux Ch Callicoma Blitzen Callicoma Cupid Callicoma Comet Callicoma Dasher And the Stars and Constellations litter (24/1/2003) Dual Ch. (T) Callicoma Capella CDX RA ADM JDM ADO JDO GDM SPDM SDX HT ET Callicoma Carina Callicoma Herschel Aus. Ch. Callicoma Orion ET Callicoma Antares Callicoma Polaris Callicoma Auriga And the Grevilleas litter (24/8/2005) Aus Ch. Callicoma Bronze Beauty Callicoma Bronze Rambler Callicoma Firebird Callicoma Copper Rocket Callicoma Lunar Light Callicoma Red Sunset CDX ET Aus Ch. Callicoma Ruby Red CCD RE ADX JDX GD SD SPDX ET HT DWDF.S Callicoma Wakiti Gem Callicoma Jolly Swagman Pedigree of Ch. Oatland Chieftan ET: Oatland Hawkeye Ch Oatland Redskin Ch Oatland Rockateer Ch Spectre Rocket Jason Ch Spectre The Barb Ch Spectre Miss Ohara Ch Oatland Showgirl Ch Oatland Jackaroo Spectre Justtoogood Ch Oatland Nightcap Ch Butterbone Keepit Dark Glendorvic Shep Butterbone Cleo Lane Ch Morkerbook Sunlover Ch Bookarilli Basil CD Ch Kejeroo Boronia Ch Oatland Showgirl Ch Oatland Jackaroo Ch Butterbone Keepit Dark Glendorvic Shep Butterbone Cleo Lane Ch Morkerbook Sunlover Ch Bookarilli Basil CD Ch Kejeroo Boronia Spectre Justtoogood Glendalock Colombo Glendalock Bobby Burns Glendalock Rosewood Ch Spectre Rhythm Girl Ch Butterbone Rhythm Lad Ch Kurranulla Choco Ch Oatland Blue Jean Ch Butterbone Keepit Dark Ch Glendorvic Shep  Kurranulla Darky Ch Noondoo Red Flash Glenine Kuranula Scamp Ch Happyvalley Trixie Happyvalley Silver Bar Bushechoes Hazy Butterbone Cleo Lane Ch Butterbone Rhythm Lad Ch Butterbone Drum Major Ch Butterbone Harmony Butterbone Peggy

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Ch Callicoma Orion ET Chocolate dog 24 Jan 2003 – 5/6/2013 Ch Oatland Chieftan ET x Ch Spectre Blacklock Bundy is a medium sized, strong dog with a lovely broad masculine head. He is an Australian Champion and also has his ET (Endurance Test) title. He was hip and elbow scored at almost 6 years of age and has 3:3 hips and 0:0 elbows. Bundy is an experienced worker – he has worked on an Angus Cattle property for years, as well as being a show and stud dog. He had sired two litters for Wilsonia kelpies before coming back and a bitch from that litter (Wilsonia Outback Katie) won Runner Up to Best in the Working Dog Group at 7 months old. He has returned to us now as one of our stud dogs. 5 months old 15 months old 6 years old 6 years old and rather sunbleached now he is not a show dog 8 years old now Father of the Lollies litter (14/5/09) Callicoma Fudge Callicoma Choc Eclair ET Callicoma Bullet Callicoma Smartie Callicoma Fairy Floss Callicoma Cobber AD JDX ET GD SPD AFDCh Pedigree of Ch. Callicoma Orion ET: Ch Oatland Chieftan ET Oatland Hawkeye Ch Oatland Redskin CH Oatland Rockateer  CH Spectre The Barb  CH Spectre Miss Ohara CH Oatland Nightcap  CH Butterbone Keepit Dark  CH Morkerbook Sunlover CH Oatland Showgirl  CH Oatland Jackaroo  CH Butterbone Keepit Dark  CH Morkerbook Sunlover  Spectre Justtoogood  Glendalock Columbo  Spectre Rhythm Girl CH Oatland Blue Jean CH Butterbone Keepit Dark  CH Glendorvic Shep  Kurranulla Darky  CH Happyvalley Trixie Blue  Butterbone Cleo Lane  CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad  CH Butterbone Peggy Lee CH Morkerbook Sunlover  CH Bookarilli Basil CD  CH Jaguar Luckey lad  Neganamo Sunbeam  CH Kejeroo Boronia  CH Kairoban Korra  CH Kairoban Kynuna Ch Spectre Blacklock CH Spectre The Barb Svetlana Pancho  CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad  Butterbone Drum Major  CH Butterbone Harmony  Spectre Gypsy Miss Kurranulla Darky Glendalock Rosewood CH Spectre Lookat Me  CH Butterbone Keepit Dark CH Glendorvic Shep Butterbone Cleo Lane  CH Spectre Rhythm Girl CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad CH Kurranulla Choco CH Spectre Switch In Time  Ch Spectre Rhythm Kingdom  Ch Spectre Galiant Snip  Ch Butterbone Keepit Dark  Tegoura Zip  Spectre Sarina  Taurus Ali  Spectre Champayne Kate  Ch Spectre Stepping Out  Ch Butterbone Rhythm Lad  Ch Butterbone Drum Major  Ch Butterbone Harmony  Ch Kurranulla Choco  Ch Noondoo Red Flash  Glenine Kuranula Scamp

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Ch Callicoma Leica ET HT Chocolate bitch 10/6/1999 – 10/2/2014 Ch Spectre The Barb x Ch Oatland Pipistrelle CD Has excelled in the show ring – has won class in group in all classes. Winner of Junior in Show at Australian Kelpie Club of NSW speciality show in September 2000, Aust Bred bitch and best gaited in April 2001. Winner of best topline, 2nd in best gaited, 2nd in Aust Bred Bitch March 2002 Leica has been hip scored (3:4) and elbow scored (0:0). Completed her ET (endurance trial) in July 2001 – vets commented on her high level of fitness as her temperature and pulse rate decreased at each vet check. In her old age she slowed down a lot – but was still going well at almost 15. Sadly kennel cough went through our dog club and hit some of my dogs including Leica. They always say it is old dogs and puppies that are most at risk, and it really took its toll on her. Her body could not cope with any more 🙁 Best Junior in the kelpie show Pregnant – 1 week to go! Leica’s favourite job – being a mother Best gaited trophy Leica got her HT title at the same trial as her daughter Lyric 7 years old now and still a beautiful girl 12 years old now Mother of the Font litter (8/11/01) Callicoma Arial Callicoma Calisto Callicoma Impact Aust Ch. Callicoma Cosmic Callicoma Mistral Callicoma Rockwell Mother of the Music litter (19/11/03) Aus Ch. Callicoma Lyric HT Callicoma Tremolo Ag Ch Callicoma Allegro AAC ADM ADO JDM JDO SDM SPDM GDM Callicoma Jazzabell AD JDX GDX SD SPDX Hungarian Ch, Estonian Ch Callicoma Serenade Lithuanian Winner 2008 Callicoma Poco Rhapsody And the Reindeers litter (24/12/04) Callicoma Dancer AD JDX GD SPD ET VDH (German Champion) Luxemburg Champion Callicoma Blitzen Callicoma Cupid Callicoma Comet Callicoma Dasher And the Grevilleas litter (24/8/05) Callicoma Firebird Callicoma Bronze Rambler Callicoma Jolly Swagman Callicoma Copper Rocket Callicoma Lunar Light Callicoma Red Sunset CDX ET Aus Ch Callicoma Ruby Red CCD RE ADX JDX GD SD SPDX ET HT DWDF.S Aus Ch Callicoma Bronze Beauty Callicoma Wakiti Gem Pedigree of Ch. Callicoma Leica ET HT: CH Spectre The Barb Svetlana Pancho CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad Butterbone Drum Major CH Pavesi Dale Butterbone Minette CH Butterbone Harmony CH Meson Brandy CH Butterbone Sweet Song Spectre Gypsy Miss Kurranulla Darky CH Noondoo Red Flash Glenine Kurranulla Scamp Glendalock Rosewood CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad Glendalock Amberwood CH Spectre Lookat Me CH Butterbone Keepit Dark CH Glendorvic Shep Kurranulla Darky CH Happy Valley Trixie Butterbone Cleo Lane CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad Butterbone Peggy Lee CH Spectre Rhythm Girl CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad Butterbone Drum Major CH Butterbone Harmony CH Kurranulla Choco CH Noondoo Red Flash Glenine Kurranulla Scamp CH Oatland Pipistrelle CD CH Oatland Rockateer CH Spectre Rocket Jason CH Spectre The Barb Svetlana Pancho CH Spectre Lookat Me CH Spectre Miss O’Hara CH Butterbone Rhythm Lad CH Kurranulla Choco CH Oatland Showgirl CH

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