Mylar Bags

Mylar Bags – 2 sizes

10cm x 15cm – 50c each or 5 for $2.00

30 x 40cm – $1.50 each

Resealable, smell proof, air tight, waterproof. Mylar provides unmatched barrier properties, and high resistance to punctures. The bags are lined with aluminium, are resealable, smell proof, air tight, waterproof. Place your used tips inside, or use to store loaded tins and other vessels. I pre-load my vessels, place in a mylar bag and take with me to my training locations.

Also available – sheet of 12 stickers “Birch”,  “Cypress”, “Anise” or “Clove” to allow you to label bags, containers, tweezers etc that are used for each scent – $1.50



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